Thursday, April 16, 2009


Sorry for the wait. Ive been busy with school. Yaknow FINALS coming up
Nigga Go Eat A Dick...

This Past week was ResFest, basically a Battle Royale between the dormitories

As you may or may not know, i am a stepper for the Carver Hall Step Team (which is in no way, shape, or form affiliated with the Organization GDUB). The most HATED dorm on campus because the previous steppers basically pissed off the WHOLE Howard University Org System last year.
So, we already had strikes against us...but we didnt know how serious it would go...

we even walked on stage we were deducted 18 points for not have some things ready(which no other dorm had ready, on top of that they told Carver Hall the day before we had to have it.)

In after our opening show (which was edited by me btw haha)
Well as soon as the lights came up, we got the most boos ive ever heard, lol.
It was crazy we were standing still getting booed. i have the link if anybody wants to see the show in its entirety.

But this post isn't about me(that was funny) its about those whack ass coordinators and heads of the step-show who were ALL previous residents of our rival dorm... Drew. (which had an awesome show btw) But yeah, how is that fair... especially on us?
The Asses only had 2 judges....HOW THE HELL are yo going to have only 2 judges to judge a step competition? thats just stupid like shit.

To the Coordinators, Uppers, anybody over the Unfairly Judged Step-show......

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