Thursday, April 16, 2009


Sorry for the wait. Ive been busy with school. Yaknow FINALS coming up
Nigga Go Eat A Dick...

This Past week was ResFest, basically a Battle Royale between the dormitories

As you may or may not know, i am a stepper for the Carver Hall Step Team (which is in no way, shape, or form affiliated with the Organization GDUB). The most HATED dorm on campus because the previous steppers basically pissed off the WHOLE Howard University Org System last year.
So, we already had strikes against us...but we didnt know how serious it would go...

we even walked on stage we were deducted 18 points for not have some things ready(which no other dorm had ready, on top of that they told Carver Hall the day before we had to have it.)

In after our opening show (which was edited by me btw haha)
Well as soon as the lights came up, we got the most boos ive ever heard, lol.
It was crazy we were standing still getting booed. i have the link if anybody wants to see the show in its entirety.

But this post isn't about me(that was funny) its about those whack ass coordinators and heads of the step-show who were ALL previous residents of our rival dorm... Drew. (which had an awesome show btw) But yeah, how is that fair... especially on us?
The Asses only had 2 judges....HOW THE HELL are yo going to have only 2 judges to judge a step competition? thats just stupid like shit.

To the Coordinators, Uppers, anybody over the Unfairly Judged Step-show......

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Bank of Ameri-WHO???

This is actually something that i believe many can relate to...
Bank of America...
my argument...
These niggas fees is like WTF!!!
OK, OK, OK...i know as adults we need to manage our money in mature ways, but son, i went exactly $1.07 over and these Niggas charged Mr. Batman $35!!! that shit just doesnt equate to me. On top of that i have my "savings" account as back up JUST IN CASE i go over. Which kicked in AFTER i got charged the $35 dollar over draft fee.
THE, because the "savings" account had to "save" me, i got charged another $10..
Mr. Batman didnt have the necessary funds to pay it that day, so these niggas charged me $35 a day, WTF. AND i gotta pay that bitch ass $1.07 back....frick
For REAL Niggas??
Mr. Batman got charged a total of $116.07
I was highly pissed...
Whack, Punk, Takin advantage of Bankers, Money Stealin Niggas

Monday, April 6, 2009


I'm listening to a bunch of songs and I notice....
Over 85% of these songs have the word "Swag" or a derivative of it in the song.
Mr. Batman thinks to himself...
What is this "Swag"...and does it have a clear definition? Mr. Batman being the educational man that he is...conducted research on the topic...
I went to a prominent source to start my research which was the Oxford Dictionary
(White People)
And this is what they told me..

1. an ornamental festoon of flowers, fruit, and greenery.
2. a curtain or drape fastened to hang in drooping curve.
3. money or goods taken by a thief or burglar."

Hmmm....i thought. THIS is what rappers are talking about..interesting...maybe Mr. Batman traversed to the wrong source...
Mr. Batman went to, and this is what they told me...

1. To move over an area of surface with extreme C.A.S.(confidence, appearance, and style) by taking steps with the feet at a pace slower than a run."

Again, Mr. Batman is drawing a blank...yes the "Urban" version gave me a better interpretation of what these hip hop artists may be talking about, but if if you ask all of them would they all give the same definition? I highly doubt that, i believe that each one would have a separate meaning....then it came to me...
This so called "Swag" is what you make it....your walk, talk, so called game, basically your abilities TO do what you CAN do in a given situation...Chicks have it, Nigs have it. I guess we're in just a "swaggerful" world waking up in the morning turning our "swag" on and eating a bowl of "swaggy-O's" with "vitamin swag" milk, while we Ace our "swag-class", to get out "swaggalicious", and use our "swag" to holla at this chick over here who compliments our "swagGER" to the "swag-teenth" degree, all the while making sure any person in our immediate group's "swagNESS" is on our level or it'll drop unfortunately, because GOD FORBID if that happens then our "swag-level" will drop, cuz if his is better than mine then he's "swagger jackin" thus us having to raise it by pumping our "swag-iron", while drinking our protein shake with that "swag milk" again, all before going to bed and turning off our "swag" for the night.....
swag, swag, swag.....dam...

How bout next time..when you get complimented instead of blaming it on an ornamental festoon of flowers, or "C.A.S.".......just say...
...That's Just Me...

For that reason....."Swag"....

Saturday, April 4, 2009


So I'm flipping through channels once again and I see this...

Now I love these southern dances, so I'm digging this real talk.
It's funny how the stupidest shit has the opportunity to go mainstream yadigg....
Props to the south on getting on Daytime T.V. Real Talk..

And HALLE!!! GOTDIZZAMMM, lls, still sexy as all hell


This isn't goody goody shit homie. You all know SOMETHING had to annoy me.
Ellen DeGeneres....YOU DID
SO! Even tho your a Lesbian...

White Lady Lesbian Nigga....

Day 20----WAH???

So, im flippin through channels and wat not to see wats on t.v.
I come across MTV, and think hey why not. So they come back from commercial to reveal to me that i am about to engage in the visual consumption on Making The Band (btw hasn't been the shit since season 2....but w.e.)
I never watch this season, but this particular episode intrigued Mr.Batman
Actions speak louder than words..or in this case, Videos...

Need I say more?
this shit is actually funny as hell.....but sad as hell...come on ur "bros" (sorry i couldnt say that with a straight face, lol)

These are a few qoutes that stuck out in my head....
1. "You played me for the cameras/Your an actor"...this is a t.v. show...all of you are actors technically.

Lastly this nigga walked away crying....


Friday, April 3, 2009


So I'm browsing my usual sneaker websites....ya know,,, etc.
And i see the post for the Air-Yeezy's....ya know Kanye West's new shoe.
So, I'm looking at them and i say wow, these are real cute. Glow in the dark soles, i fuxx wit it..then otha shit came...
Retail Price: $220...alrighty, It's a Recession here Niggas...
They come out this weekend...NIGGAS IS ALREADY LINED UP FOR THESE SHITS!!!
And the worst part that the stores already raised the prices, on top of that they are the odds of you actually getting them for the already high retail price of $220 is slim to none.
If i remember correctly one store has their price set at $500...
I know the kick game is serious as shit but gotdam.....

For this reason i gotta say to Nike's pricing, and the over pricing ass stores.....


Post #1

So, this is the first post of hopefully many that will come.
This Blog is designed actually for me,lol.
I just get frustrated many time throughout the day which makes me wanna tell niggas....Go Eat A Dick...
So, lol, instead of getting into mad fights (or going insane from the madness) Ill Post em all here